What’s your dating profile? It’s not just your photo. It’s also your story.
Consider how bland a spinach salad tastes without a little dressing. Or how bleh cooked spinach is without a little oil and garlic.
Here’s a plate of plain old spinach.
That’s your profile if you haven’t added a little balsamic vinegar, oil and Dijon mustard. Or your variation on the old classic. For a recipe, scroll down.
And here’s a spinach dish, dolled up and delicious.
The Mini Lesson: Quirks
Quirks make you who you are. Let your real self out.
To avoid the spinach-without-seasoning profile, talk about your quirks. Yes, your quirks.
You’ve got a dating profile for one reason only. So people will contact you.
So, jazz up that profile if you want responses. Be specific. Keep it light. Talk about what you’re grateful for today. Here’s how.
What are one or two of your special small pleasures in life? Zumba or yoga in the morning? A walk on the beach with your dog? An article you read on leaving your cell phone at home upon occasion? Your idea for an amusing first meet?
Write as if you’re talking to a friend. The nice thing about writing is rewrites. Get feedback from that friend you’re pretending to talk to in your profile.
You love mashed potatoes on your pizza (Have you been to Bar in downtown New Haven?) and really comfortable, worn-out jeans shorts in the summer no matter what. Or you vacuum in your underwear like Melanie Griffith in Working Girl. Guys, here’s the place to talk about loving rom coms if you’re with your honey. (Which is why you’re writing a profile in the first place.)
Get help. Run your profile by a few friends. Make dinner and invite them to your Profile Party.
No one said you shouldn’t update your profile from time to time. Call it a work in progress.
Now let’s get serious about photos. You must have one or two really good photos. No getting around that one. Don’t do major Photoshopping. In face, don’t do any. Thinking of using some lame excuse not to post a photo?
Are you willing to meet someone with NO photo?
Avoid These Negative Profile Bloopers
Using lots of adjectives: Honest, Hardworking, Affectionate, Humorous, Attractive, Fun-loving.
Trying to be sexy: “I love high heels.”
Being stuck in the past: “They don’t make ‘em (movies, cars, whatever) like they used to.”
Trying to warm her up with: “I love to cuddle in front of the fireplace.”
Using this old cliche: “I love my life. But it would be better with the right man.”
Refusing to put in the work: “Write a profile? It’s hard to talk about myself.”
Being overly demanding: “You must be tall, financially stable and have your own hair.”
Going on and on about your kids or your grandkids. Save that for Facebook. Or a real date.
Recipe for Classic Spinach with Olive Oil
Garlic overload alert! Not a recipe for the first time you invite him/her over. You know what I’m talking about.
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
1 (10 ounce) bag spinach leaves
1 ½ teaspoons fresh garlic
¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese
Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the spinach to the skillet and cover; allow to cook 5 minutes. Stir in the fresh garlic, a pinch of salt, and cover again for another 5 minutes; remove from heat. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese to serve.
Photo by Hermes Rivera
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