Writer Jennifer Wilck is a writer who has trouble with conflict in her real life, and finds it runs over into her writing. Since conflict is essential in a story, she wrestles with being too nice to her characters. I asked Jennifer a few questions about her new book, Unlock My Heart, and her writing process.
Welcome, Jennifer.
Why did you write Unlock My Heart?
I love writing about damaged heroes. I also love writing witty banter between characters, and of course, steamy love scenes. So my Scarred Hearts series is becoming a favorite of mine. The current book, Unlock My Heart, is actually book 2, but can be read as a standalone. Each book in the series features one of four friends who are successful in their chosen fields, have more money than they know what to do with, and who have pooled their excess wealth together to use it for good. The hero of Unlock My Heart is the CEO and founder of his computer security firm and is also hard of hearing. He goes to great lengths to downplay it, so no one mistakes his lack of hearing for a lack of intelligence. He’s really good at reading people, except when he’s not, and the heroine is his perfect match.
What hinders you most as an author?
I hate conflict and go to great lengths in my life to avoid it. Unfortunately, that has spilled over to my writing at times, and I have to work really hard to let the conflict play out to its actual conclusion, rather than me interfering and tying everything with a nice little bow.
What causes stress in your writing life?
Currently, my stress is caused by my missing muse. Thanks to world events over the past two years, I’ve had a hard time shutting off my brain to the outside world and escaping into my fictional worlds. And the harder it is to write, the more stressed I get. Vicious circle, right? Luckily, during the month of February, my local romance chapter holds a 30K writing challenge, so that has forced me to sit down and get words on the page—any words—and I think it’s helping my muse find her way back to me.
What story does you family always tell about you?
I’m hard of hearing, and often mistake what people say, especially my husband (who mumbles) and my kids. They love to tease me about it—in a loving way, so it’s not a problem. I’ve actually been able to use some of the scenarios in my latest book, Unlock My Heart. The hero is also hard of hearing and they unknowingly provided me with a few scenes in the book.
Blurb for Unlock My Heart
Can love break through their firewalls?
Abby Marlow, computer security expert, lands a job at the best IT security firm in the country. Her sole focus is financial independence so she never has to rely on others again, especially a man. But why does her boss make her wires short circuit?
Ted Endicott, CEO and founder of the IT security firm, is hard of hearing. Although an expert in his field, he’s still uncomfortable admitting this to his clients or employees. So why is he willing to accept Abby’s help?
As Ted and Abby work together, barriers fall away, and soon the lines blur between colleagues and lovers. But a security glitch in a client’s system indicates one of his employees is the hacker, and all signs point to Abby. Can they get past the suspicion and find a future together?
Excerpt from Unlock My Heart
“You always run alone?”
She pointed to a nearby jogger. “I’m not alone.”
“But you’re not with anyone.”
Standing this close to him, she wished for things she shouldn’t. “No, I’m not.”
“How far are you going?”
“The end of the trail and back.” Or however long it took to get him out of her mind.
He put his helmet on. “Come on, I’ll keep you company.”
“It’s not necessary.” Clearing her mind would be impossible with him next to her.
“It’s safer this way.”
He looked down the trail. His desire to protect her sent warmth curling up and down her spine. It had been a long time since anyone was concerned about her. All of a sudden, the idea of company appealed to her. Touching his arm— and trying not to squeeze his bicep like you would if you tested the ripeness of a peach—she waited for him to turn.
“You’re welcome to join me if you want. If you can keep up.” She winked and raced away, his bark of laughter a brief punch in the silence behind her.
She no longer kept an easy pace, easing into the morning. This time, she sprinted hard. The slight whir of his bike wheels warned her as he reached her a few moments later.
“You’re pretty fast, but I’d suggest you slow down.”
She turned toward him. “Out of pity for you?”
His lips twitched, and his nostrils flared, but he kept his humor reined tight. Instead, he cycled next to her, his head turned slightly toward her. “The only pity I ask for is please don’t make me carry you home when you’re too tired to continue.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, sir.” She made sure he could read her lips.
He grinned, and the last of her tension disappeared. He accepted her teasing.
“Oh, you’ll pay,” he said.
He rode ahead, and she thought for sure he would leave her in the dust. But he turned around, a gleam in his eye, and returned to her side. When they reached a part of the trail farther on, he pulled ahead a little and skidded in a puddle, splashing her legs.
She gasped and looked at her mud-spattered shins and ignored the twinkle in his eye. “You play dirty—literally.”
Ted stopped while she paused to clean her legs off. Given the opportunity—two could play this game—she took her mud-streaked hands and wiped them on his chest. She drew in a breath and realized her mistake. Sure, she’d repaid him for splattering her with mud, but a sudden awareness of his body overrode her satisfaction. His muscles were hard, and she wondered what the rest of him felt like. Her pulse pounded in her ears, and her gaze shifted to his lips. What would it be like to kiss them?
She jerked and pulled her hand away. No. She jumped at the strangled sound from the mouth she’d considered kissing and raised her glance to his eyes. His surprise mirrored her own.
Mistake, mistake, mistake! An internal voice blared a warning. She’d intended for it to be like when she and Max, her best friend from childhood, challenged each other as kids. In fact, when he teased her, Ted reminded her of Max—something about the glint in his eye and the “need to win” coupled with concern. But she hadn’t counted on the sexual component.
She closed her eyes. She was not like her mother. She wasn’t.
She stilled. Maybe he couldn’t see her. Right, and maybe unicorns are real.
“Open your eyes.” She opened them.
“Let’s get breakfast.”
About the Author
Jennifer started telling herself stories as a little girl when she couldn’t fall asleep at night. Pretty soon, her head was filled with these stories and the characters that populated them. Even as an adult, she thinks about the characters and stories at night before she falls asleep or walking the dog. Eventually, she started writing them down. Her favorite stories to write are those with smart, sassy, independent heroines; handsome, strong and slightly vulnerable heroes; and her stories always end with happily ever after.
In the real world, she’s the mother of two amazing daughters and wife of one of the smartest men she knows. She believes humor is the only way to get through the day and does not believe in sharing her chocolate.
Jennifer Wilck is an award-winning contemporary romance author for readers who are passionate about love, laughter, and happily ever after. Known for writing both Jewish and non-Jewish romances, her books feature damaged heroes, sassy and independent heroines, witty banter and hot chemistry. Jennifer’s ability to transport the reader into the scene, create characters the reader will fall in love with, and evoke a roller coaster of emotions, will hook you from the first page. You can find her books at all major online retailers in a variety of formats.
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Speed Round for fun!
Favorite movie: Dirty Dancing
Favorite book: Jane Eyre
Last book read: Tremaine’s True Love
Worst date ever: didn’t really date (met my husband in college)
Your character’s worst date ever: In my book, Five Minutes to Love, Aviva’s last date gave her his resume, laminated.
Favorite color: Blue
Stilettos or flipflops or sneakers: Stilettos
Coffee or tea: Coffee
Ebook or audiobook or paperback: ebook
Pencil or pen: pen
Favorite song: A Thousand Years
Streak or not: Not
Favorite dessert: Chocolate
Favorite junk food: Chocolate
Favorite thing to do to relax: Watch TV
Champagne or gin: Gin
Paranormal or Historical: Historical
Wonder Woman or Top Model: Wonder Woman
Favorite TV show: Reacher
Hot or cold: Cold
I’d die if I didn’t have: Chocolate
My character would die if she/he didn’t have: In Unlock My Heart, my heroine, Abby, would die if she didn’t have her independence.